Category Archives: Christianity

Now on Kickstarter: Christian Mythology for Kids

I think this is a great idea, and I’m really interested to see it come to fruition. You can learn more about it at the project’s Kickstarter page.

Project Page Excerpt

…We wanted to introduce our children to christianity in a way that doesn’t threaten them or coax them into thinking these stories are real. Children’s books about Greek and Roman Mythology are wonderful, exciting stories that inform and entertain. Christian Mythology for Kids follows this format, but with a religion that some people still view as true.

Exploring and discussing common Christian myths in a safe environment gives children an unbiased understanding before they encounter it in their daily lives. Christian Mythology for Kids also answers questions that children may have after hearing what their friends or relatives have to say. This book tells the story of each myth, followed by a brief logical or scientific explanation as to why it is mythology.

We can also learn from some of these stories that have an Aesop’s fables quality, like David and Goliath. We can take the lesson and leave the religion behind.

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WINC: More Question Triggers

Continuing the journey

I suppose I didn’t tell the whole story in What Started My Questioning. That was what brought the question, “Is this really true?” into focus. But there had been at least a few more ideas rattling around in my brain that led me in that direction.[1]

Now, as a deconvert, I consider these ideas as sort of “soft evidence” against the Christian meta-stories and truth claims. (Harder evidence is yet to come.)

Fellow deconverts, please bear with me below, as I won’t bother to insert “allegedly” or “ostensibly” everywhere. But believers – don’t get any ideas – like thinking that I still believe somewhere deep down. It’s just shorthand.

The Garden of Eden Was a Setup.

“Whatever you do, don’t eat from this big pretty tree in the middle of the garden. Now I’m going to leave you alone for a while…” Continue reading

Raft slab foundation

WINC: My New Foundations for Beliefs

As I prepared to begin phase 2 of my research – examining the truth claims of Christianity and the Bible – I quickly determined that regardless of where my investigation led, these would be my new foundations for belief.[1]

  1. Truth should withstand scrutiny.
  2. “Faith” with insufficient evidence as a basis for belief is a liability.
  3. Minimizing presuppositions is necessary if I hope to discover the truth.
  4. At a minimum, a just god who punishes is morally obliged to inform transgressors of the requirements ahead of time.
  5. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

Along with the evidence (and lack thereof, in some cases), these ideas would later underpin the reasons “Why I’m Not a Christian” (WINC). Continue reading

Why I Was a Christian

Yes, the verb tense is a not-so-subtle hint.

My first post contains a brief summary of my conversion experience (“Background”). After that, I can think of three main reasons:

  1. Presuppositions.
  2. Experience.
  3. Apologetics.



I presupposed both God’s existence, and that he had revealed himself to humanity. Continue reading